Bangtan Boys
Stray Kids

KPop Profiles

A fansite that brings you the best KPop groups info. The biggest stars are here! We would like to share all the information we gathered about our biases.

This site will be updated as often as it's possible so stay tuned and keep reading.

The Stars

Every KPop fan will find here something for himself. The boy groups like EXO, Bangtan Boys and Stray Kids. And of course we didn't forget about female bands like Fromis_9. More still to come!

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Ultimate KPop Profiles

Our goal is to make KPop well known convince the people that don't like it to try it out. It's always a good thing to listen to some unknown music and be inspired by it. A little bit of an unfamilar culture can not hurt anybody. It will help to understand the people that think different and from other perspective. South Korean music is a pure magic. And you can just find everything on Youtube or other streaming services. Everything is available for anybody that has an Internet connection.

Just sit back and enjoy the songs that we will recommend.

2017/2018 Ultimate KPop Profiles